Portfolio Reviews

The Portfolio Reviews represent a useful and important opportunity to receive advice and suggestions from readers and industry experts with different professional experiences on the dynamics that link the different languages ​​of photography to the contemporary.
Readers, photo editors and professionals, will be available to professional and non-professional photographers to view their photographic projects. A moment of exchange that is proposed as an opportunity for comparison and understanding of the dynamics that link photography to the contemporary.
To participate you must pre-register via specific form

Participants will be able to compete for the selection for the Best Portfolio Award, a prize of 500 euros and the opportunity to exhibit their project at the next edition of the Festival.
The jury, chaired by Benedetta Donato and composed of all the readers present Benedetta, will select three portfolios, the best overall and two mentions.

Benedetta Donato, curatrice e direttore RCA – Romano Cagnoni Award;
Federica Chiocchetti, direttrice il Musée des Beaux Arts de Locle;
Mina Mostefa, direttrice di Rencontres photo de Tanger—Face à la mer;
Wilfrid Estève, fotografo e docente, direttore dell’agenzia fotografica Hans Lucas Parigi, e co-fondatore di Face à la mer.
Veronica Nicolardi, direttrice Cortona on the Move
Ulrich Lebeuf, MAP Festival di Toulouse
Luca Santese, fotografo Collettivo Cesura

How to participate:

Each participant can register by filling out this form. You can choose up to a maximum of 2 readers. The cost is 15 euros per reading.

If readers are available, it will be possible to register directly on the days of the readings, subject to availability.

It is mandatory to show up for your appointment on time, not in advance, in order not to create crowds. Each reading will last up to 20 minutes. It is advisable to bring already printed projects but those who wish can also show them through digital support.
All filming techniques and all printing procedures (on any type of support) will be accepted with the exception of presentation on computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. for which reading is allowed but not participation in the 2021 Best Portfolio Award.

Friday 21 July, H 15:00–17:00
Saturday 22 July, H 10:00–13:00
Saturday 22 July, H 15:00–18:00
Sunday 23 July, H 10:00–13:00

The readings will take place at the Hyblean garden in Ragusa Ibla


Subscriptions will close on 19.07.2023